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Hi, I’m a 26 year old having loads of vitamin problems. I am 5ft 5inches short. Weight up to 60 kg. I live in an underdeveloped country with even more under developed medical facilities available. Also, the doctors here suck. Every since my early teenage ...

Does anyone know what "baseline early transition nonspecific ST abnormalities, SR HR"......means? My mother just had a heart attack and I have been very worried about my own future so I had a stress treadmill and this came up. Now I am worried this is an...

Hi I have been having heart palpitations for two plus weeks. Woudl be great if you could provide some advice. I am middle aged and fit. Wore a Holter Monitor for 24 hours results were: Dominant Heart Rhythm - sinus rhythm? Predominant arrhythmia -...

Hello Dr, I have consulted many doctors, but there is not improvement I had a close oral sexual act with a girl in 2003. W.e had intercourse also. she had applied blood on here lips and also on brest also there were vaginal secretion. That girl can...

I was dx'd with hypo about 2 weeks ago and have been on 25 MCG for approx. 8 days (I know it's going to take a while) vit. D 5000iu however my energy level seems to be getting worse. Is that "normal"? Other symptoms seem to be slightly better (maybe just ...

I had a sexual contact with a girl. here eyes used to glow and she has touched here glowing eyes to mine also she had visible nipple discharge and i sucked several times and i had a fresh open wounds and she had sprayed blood. also we had deep kissing ...

I have been a runner for over 30 years but was diagnosed with Afib over a year ago. The doctor still says it is ok to run. I am on Rythmol SR and Cardizem LA. My problem is I wear a polar heart rate monitor and it sometimes shows flunctionating heart rates...

Are any of you taking theophylline for your asthma? If so, have you had a lot of side effects from it? My doc is considering trying this, just looking for people's experience.

I have been taking theophylline for 25 years for asthma. Most of the time it works well, but my new primary care doctor and an allergist I saw refused to refill my prescription. I do not want to use inhalers with steroids because I have type 2 diabetes an...

has anyone tried theophylline? I have asthma and sleep apnea and have been having wheezing for 4 weeks now. I think I will ask for a prescription for this. it seems related chemically to coffee- is it safe?

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